Sunday, June 3, 2012

Wannsee-Kladow and Back

We had been to Kladow last year in late summer, with cloudy skies and an almost deserted  harbor walk.
Last week, though, the weather was clearly inviting us to give it another try.
As I had suspected, we were not the only ones who had had this idea.
The ferry F10 was jam-packed with day trippers and bicycles (up to 25 are allowed): one the way back to Wannsee the captain seemed to be a bit nervous about being on time and parted from us passengers with a "when you leave the boat, be quick!"

The ferry ticket to Kladow is included in the Berlin AB ticket, so you can consider this an inner-city trip. 
It doesn't look like that, does it? And it doesn't feel like that, I promise.

On our way to Kladow, meeting other ferries and sailing boats

Harbor front in Kladow, with the island Imchen (a bird sanctuary where access is NOT allowed) on the back

Playground in Wannsee, in proximity of the ferry pier

Note: if you live near Zoologischer Garten, you can take the bus X34 to Kladow.