Tuesday, April 19, 2011


What would have Swiss author Max Frisch told us about his life and his relationships with women in "Montauk", had he written this novel in 2011?

He might have skipped details about his impotence (or maybe shared some knowledge on viagra effects) or have had his Montauk affair with less  thoughts on aging...I am not sure, but I like to fantasize about it.

I like to imagine him as my potential neighbor,  while he is walking in pajamas here in Berlin (he wouldn't be an exception)...but probably he wouldn't have mentioned that - from his home in Friedenau - he could hear the noise of airplanes flying to and from airport Tempelhof .

"... Die Wohnung liegt in der Flugschneise Tempelhof; die Flugzeuge kommen niedrig, so daß es im Hinterhof dröhnt ..."

"..the apartment is located in the flight corridor Tempelhof; the airplanes fly low and there is a constant drone in the backyard..."

When I moved to Friedenau, in 2005, I could hear the Lärm (noise) of airplanes starting early in the morning. But now Tempelhof is closed for good.
In May 2010 it became - after many discussion on its usage - a huge walking, biking, skating, kite surfing (you name it) park.

Yesterday I took the kids there for the first time and it was very  puzzling to walk (actually run) on a former runway.
Somehow you had the odd feeling that the city space had an infinite dilatation and that you were nowhere, except that everybody else wanted to be there, too. Just in some non-place, or some sort of utopia.

Slideshow of Tempelhof from 2008 here
and the related article that describes the story of the airport to its nearly end...

An interview with Max Frisch on the Paris Review
A travel to Montauk with Alice-Lynn in the Faz (in German)